Weight: Male: 34–45 kg, Female: 27–41 kg
Height: Male: 66–72 cm, Female: 61–68 cm
Colors: White, Black, Fawn, Blue, Red, Black and rust, Red and rust, Blue and rust, Fawn and rust
Life span: 10 – 13 years
Sleek and powerful, possessing a magnificent physique and keen intelligence, the Doberman pinscher is one of dog kind's noblemen. This incomparably fearless and vigilant breed stands proudly among the world's finest protection dogs. Dobermans are compactly built dogs' muscular, fast, and powerful standing between 24 to 28 inches at the shoulder. The body is sleek but substantial, and is covered with a glistening coat of black, blue, red, or fawn, with rust markings. These elegant qualities combined with a noble wedge-shaped head and an easy, athletic way of moving, have earned Dobermans a reputation as royalty in the canine kingdom. A well-conditioned Doberman on patrol will deter all but the most foolish intruder.